Insights > A snapshot of Entergy’s advocacy for early care and education (The New Orleans 100)
A snapshot of Entergy’s advocacy for early care and education (The New Orleans 100)

Since 2000, Entergy has been engaged in advocating for increased funding and support for early care and education — recognizing the sector as essential infrastructure and economic engine to fuel the future of communities we serve.
Working with coalition partners, we have helped generate over $477 million in funding across Louisiana and neighboring states, providing over 100,000 low-income children with access to high-quality early childhood experiences that will pay short-term and long-term dividends to our economy and society as a whole.
Simply put, we must support our working families by working to expand access to affordable, high-quality early care and education in Louisiana.
Article originally published May 11, 2021, in The New Orleans 100.