Insights > Ann Delenela Named One of the Women to Watch in STEM
Ann Delenela Named One of the Women to Watch in STEM

Ann Delenela, Entergy vice president and chief information security officer, was nationally recognized as one of the "Women to Watch in STEM" Profiles in Diversity Journal. This is the third year the journal has featured women from across the country for their contributions, leadership, mentoring and professional achievements in STEM. Her profile is on page 47 of the second-quarter 2021 issue of Profiles in Diversity Journal.
Delenela leads Entergy's continuous work to protect its digital systems and information in a world of continually changing cybersecurity risks. Her professional expertise spans more than 25 years in information technology, information security and cyber/physical security management.
She shared her belief that advancement is a shared responsibility.
"Women must advocate for themselves, but there is also a corporate responsibility to develop and cultivate female talent," said Delenela. "A great way to help achieve that is through mentoring not only women currently in the workforce but mentoring the next wave of young women to increase engagement in technology careers."
From the plant to the field to the office, women play essential roles at Entergy. We're working every day to ensure a culture of diversity, inclusion and belonging, a workplace that welcomes and inspires the best from future generations of female leaders. The result is long-term, sustainable value for all our stakeholders – customers, employees, communities and owners.
Congratulations, Ann, for being among the "Women to Watch in STEM."