Insights > Entergy Announces New Commitment of $250,000 to Workforce Development Nonprofit
Entergy Announces New Commitment of $250,000 to Workforce Development Nonprofit

Entergy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Leo Denault announced today that the company has committed $250,000 to Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) during a speech at their 2018 National Training Seminar in New Orleans. JAG is a state-based national nonprofit organization dedicated to diminishing the country’s student dropout rates from middle school through college, as well as developing the next generation of leaders. JAG’s programs are implemented across the United States. Over 95% of the JAG class of 2017 graduated and was 2.3 times more likely to receive a full-time job compared to 18-20 year olds.
“The JAG mission is very important to us at Entergy because it helps guide our community’s youth out of poverty through education,” said Denault. “It is critical to have a workforce capable of supporting the long-term prosperity and growth opportunity of our community.”
Denault, who is also a member of the JAG Board of Directors, emphasized the need for these programs to continue to assist students who might not have the family support to finish high school and college.
Entergy’s grant will go towards JAG programs in Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas. Denault also pledged Entergy’s continued commitment to supporting JAG programs in Southeast Texas.