Insights > Entergy Mississippi Winter Storm Update – 2/4/22, 1:15 p.m.
Entergy Mississippi Winter Storm Update – 2/4/22, 1:15 p.m.

Our crews continue their restoration efforts in north Mississippi and have restored power to more than half of the 10,203 customers who were affected by this latest winter storm. As of 1:15 p.m., we have 3,528 outages, with the majority of those in DeSoto County. We are still assessing in some areas and expect to be 100% assessed by the end of the day, assuming no new weather-related outages. We anticipate being able to restore the vast majority of outages in Tunica by 10:00 p.m. tonight, but may have a few carry over to Saturday.
We expect to provide an estimated restoration time for Desoto County later today as our damage assessment reports become more complete. These will be posted to our View Outages map and here in the Entergy Storm Center.
Our restoration workforce numbers 800 and is restoring service to our customers as safely and quickly as possible, but they do have to take extra safety precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic that can slow restoration somewhat.
As power is restored, demand for power will grow and we have to manage instantaneous demand. To help ensure we don’t have additional outages after restoration due to this sudden demand, we ask that customers without power turn off or unplug electric heat systems and appliances and turn them back on gradually after power is restored.