Insights > Garner Gassman Was Lineman of the Game
Garner Gassman Was Lineman of the Game

The Saints' season is over, but we're still celebrating an Arkansas connection to our corporate HQ's home team. Garner Gassman, serviceman from Malvern, Arkansas, represented Entergy as the Lineman of the Game during the New Orleans Saints vs. Miami Dolphins game Dec. 27.
Gassman has been with Entergy for 15 years. For his first seven years he was in the transmission group, working all over the Arkansas service territory, and the rest has been in distribution. He's currently a serviceman working out of the Malvern network.
On a typical day, Gassman hops job to job, working tickets for tasks like installing new service and responding to lights-out calls. It's the problem tickets that keep things interesting for Gassman. "I enjoy the troubleshooting part. I like helping people and making them happy."
With a family and his co-workers depending on him, Gassman is vigilant about working safely. "You have to watch out for one another. Make sure everybody has a clear understanding of a job before going into it and, if things change, hey, let's stop and talk about it."
Gassman is quick to recommend Entergy as an employer. "It's a great career. I mean, even my 16-year-old son, Cameron, is wanting to do this," Gassman said. Gassman also has a daughter, 20, Sarah, who he's encouraged to look into job opportunities at Entergy.