Insights > Running for The Power to Care
Running for The Power to Care

Amid starting a new job, moving from Texas to Louisiana and juggling the ever-changing challenges that presented themselves due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there remained one point of consistent focus for Thomas Green in 2022: the next race. In just one year, Green completed the Houston Marathon in January, IRONMAN Texas in April, the Montreal Marathon in September and IRONMAN Florida in November.
For Green, during his most accomplished year, it was all about tackling the next goal and building his best self. Now, having qualified for the biggest race of his life in 2024, he is laser-focused on making the biggest difference possible for those around him.
“I can’t change the world, if I don’t start in my community,” said Green. “What better place to start than with my peers, co-workers, family, friends and the people they interact with every day?”
On April 15, Green will be running in the Boston Marathon and supporting an important cause for the company he works for and his community. Sporting a “The Power to Care” running shirt, the Entergy project controls analyst has decided to make a pledge and draw awareness to Entergy’s program that provides emergency bill payment assistance to older adults and customers with disabilities in their time of need.
“With the impact and reach of Entergy, this is a cause that will provide so much help for people that truly need assistance,” added Green.
“We are so appreciative that Thomas is using his platform to support the community and raise funds for our most vulnerable customers,” said Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy’s vice president of corporate social responsibility, adding that the company will contribute a 100% match to all funds raised by Green with a donation to The Power to Care program.
Green ran 26.2 miles for the first time at the Baton Rouge Marathon in 2021. Just three years later, he is ready to compete in the most famous marathon in the world in a city over 1,500 miles from home.
“To me, the Boston Marathon is the Super Bowl of racing,” said Green. “Everyone has heard of it. Not only am I going to soak in the atmosphere of the race, but Boston itself. I’ll get the best tour of all with a 26-mile run through the city.”
Having qualified for the Boston Marathon after less than four years of competitive racing may seem like a short journey to check off one of the most prestigious milestones in the sport, it has been a period of strict dieting, countless hours of training and unwavering discipline. While living in Houston and Baton Rouge as a young professional, he focused on prioritizing his health with sleep, healthy eating and knocking out the next workout.
Why make all these sacrifices? For Green, it is always about taking another step in the right direction.
“I want to be fit and active until the day I die,” said Green. “Running is a sport that’s relatively safe, you can do it anywhere, with anybody and it has countless health benefits. I don’t just want to encourage people to donate to The Power to Care to help those in need financially, but I also want to encourage people to take care of themselves with healthy habits.”
Balancing a full-time job with a professional training regimen left little time for Green to waste. During the most intensive weeks, he will often wake up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. to run, work a full day until 4 in the afternoon, and then run after work and complete a gym routine before resting up to do it all over again the next day.
All his hard work certainly paid off, leading to a growing list of career milestones and highlights. The Galveston Half-Marathon was Green’s first official competitive event in 2021, and his favorite ever event was the Montreal Marathon the following year. He encountered and overcame his biggest challenge during the Iron Man Florida, traversing choppy waves and jellyfish in the Gulf of Mexico during the swimming leg of the competition.
Through all the ups-and-downs that come with training for highly competitive events, it’s all worth it for Green to make the step up to the world’s highest-profile public race next month.
“I want to take advantage of this platform and put the message out there that everyone can be their best selves by working diligently to reach their goals,” said Green. “For people that aren’t able to provide for themselves, this is a chance to give back. I’m ready to make the most of it and run the most important race of my life for a cause that can go a long way for so many people in my community.”
To contribute to Green’s cause before and after the race, visit here and select “marathon” under “How did you hear about The Power to Care?”
Green has one reminder for himself as he approaches the race: “nothing worthwhile comes easy.