Insights > Women at Entergy Texas: LaShaina White
Women at Entergy Texas: LaShaina White

LaShaina White is a field engineer at Entergy Texas. She shares some fun facts about herself and what Women's History Month means to her.
She's a foodie with an adventurous spirit
I was born and raised in Beaumont, Texas and I am the middle child of 3 (being the only girl). I am a proud alumna of Lamar University where I graduated in 2016 with a bachelors in electrical engineering. Exploring various foods (especially anything cheddar jalapeno flavored), traveling, discovering new music, and working on cars are some of my favorite things to do. If there is an adventure to be had…I’m there!
She's climbing the career ladder
I have been working at Entergy since 2018, I started as a work management engineer and transitioned to distribution engineering 3 years ago.
She supports her team in various ways
My role involves supporting my network by working with various groups internally to best improve reliability for the area, assisting in solving difficult issues, analyzing effects of potential large customer loads and proposing best protection implementations thereafter. During storm restoration I support impacted areas as lead scout.
Her mom taught her to embrace herself
My mom is definitely the person that has made me the woman I am today without question. She never pushed me to be in that stereotypical “woman” box and I always appreciated that because it allowed me to expand and explore various sides of life. I have passions that push the boundaries of that box and she has always been there to support my “non-gender role” joys and purposes in life.
She feels empowered by women's history
Women’s History Month is an appreciation for those women that pushed outside the box and made the conscious decision to be uncomfortable in order for other women to occupy spaces beyond the “normal” womanly realm. It is to highlight that women can be anything that they choose without concern whether a housewife or an engineer. Women’s History Month is a continuous lesson of those that came before me. Also, their stories are motivation and hope to continue to occupy spaces without being apologetic.
Every achievement known and unknown, acknowledged or not, from Eve to Kamala [Harris] is a significant breakthrough in history. By being an African-American woman, their contributions & labor before me are extremely close to my heart.