Los clientes de Entergy Texas vieron temperaturas frías récord, fuertes vientos y precipitaciones invernales. Lo que los clientes de Entergy Texas no vieron fue la necesidad de apagones temporales o la necesidad de que los clientes conservaran la energía.
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Entergy Texas customers saw record cold temperatures, heavy winds and winter precipitation. What Entergy Texas customers didn’t see was the need for temporary, rolling outages or the ask for customers to conserve energy.
While driving to a routine job inspection, an Entergy Louisiana lineworker out of Winnsboro took life-saving actions to rescue a local resident from her burning vehicle.
In remembrance, we celebrate the remarkable life of Dan Packer.
Meet Tim Barnes, an Entergy Nuclear engineering supervisor in the central design organization engineering team.
Meet Ashleigh Lyons, an Entergy Nuclear project controls specialist.
Entergy Arkansas lineman Dustin Bowen will be recognized at this Sunday's New Orleans Saints game.
This holiday season, Entergy employees helped spread cheer at The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund annual gift giveaway in New Orleans. Celebrating its 128th year, the event donates toys to thousands of kids and families in need. Entergy has been one of the lead sponsors of this event since 2016.