Years before Entergy’s low-income focus became a corporate priority, company leaders and employees in Mississippi had established a legacy of community service and customer support.
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Entergy shareholders donated $20,000 to the American Red Cross to support cooling centers and help customers through this difficult time as the restoration efforts continue.
Entergy’s first social justice and equity fund grant in Mississippi helps preserve legacy of civil rights pioneers
“If someone sees me putting in the work and says, ‘hey, I can stay here and make a difference,’ then my hope is for them to go on and do even more.”
Last week, I toured parts of the Entergy Mississippi service area that were devastated by the recent tornado outbreak, including Rolling Fork, Silver City and Winona. It was destruction that I have never seen in my time at Entergy or in my personal life as a Mississippian.
Entergy has received a prestigious national award from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council recognizing companies that have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to including women-owned businesses in their supply chains.
Entergy's supply chain organization this year donated more than 8,000 cases of hand and surface sanitizing liquid, spray and wipes, valued at nearly $700,000.
Forty-five attorneys and law students answered questions through a virtual legal clinic from low-income community members throughout Entergy's service area in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.
Entergy and The Saenger Theatre provided 200 tickets to members of United Way and Son of a Saint