A reliable power grid is not just a convenience—it's a necessity. Recognizing this, Entergy New Orleans has spent years making significant improvements to our power delivery infrastructure, an effort that has demanded considerable investment and strategic foresight.
Entergy New Orleans Reliability Updates
Recent data shows Entergy’s work to prevent power outages from occurring is on an upward trajectory across its service territory in Louisiana, with the company achieving a remarkable 22% statewide improvement in electric service reliability from 2022 to 2023.
On Saturday, April 13, Entergy New Orleans moved a new high voltage power transformer into the Curran Substation in New Orleans East to improve reliability in the area.
The company has developed the most comprehensive energy grid upgrade plan in the city’s history.
Entergy New Orleans crews stay prepared for severe weather year-round and are constantly on the look-out for ways to improve our system’s resilience.
Within one year after Hurricane Ida, Entergy rebuilds a Mississippi River crossing using an unprecedented 175-mph wind loading criteria.
The ongoing work helps the company manage the integrity, reliability and safety of the gas distribution system, a primary goal for Entergy's Gas Distribution Business.
Hurricane season is less than a month away, and Entergy New Orleans continues to identify and implement resiliency upgrades across Orleans Parish.
Keeping your power on every time you walk in the door, clap or flip the switch is our priority, but did you know that there are creatures who lurk among us that can disrupt your power?