President and CEO of Entergy Texas, Eliecer Viamontes, addresses Hurricane Beryl storm response.
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Los clientes de Entergy Texas vieron temperaturas frías récord, fuertes vientos y precipitaciones invernales. Lo que los clientes de Entergy Texas no vieron fue la necesidad de apagones temporales o la necesidad de que los clientes conservaran la energía.
Entergy Texas customers saw record cold temperatures, heavy winds and winter precipitation. What Entergy Texas customers didn’t see was the need for temporary, rolling outages or the ask for customers to conserve energy.
We’re committed to continually improving our customer tools to meet your evolving needs, and in the coming weeks, you can expect to see an updated experience on our myEntergy customer portal.
Our crews continue to make steady progress on this important project.
There are simple steps customers can take to make sure their home is using energy efficiently
Avoid the heat of higher bills with simple energy-saving solutions.
Learn how we are investing to better serve you.
Electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. However, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.