Latest Insights
Eunice Harris, Entergy Louisiana customer service representative, has been with Entergy for almost 43 years. Learn more about how she lives and works safely to power life for customers on the Northshore.
Courtney Patrick joined Entergy nearly three years ago as an engineering associate and recently moved to a meterman trainee position in Jackson, Mississippi. She lives and works safely for her family, including her sons Landen and Londen.
Finalists were chosen based on criteria including community involvement.
Entergy Texas CEO recognized for career achievement, community involvement and leadership.
Johanna Flores, a control room supervisor at Indian Point Energy Center, has been a part of the Entergy family for five years.
Megan Culbertson, a technical specialist II at Arkansas Nuclear One, has been with Entergy for four months. Learn how she's helping us power life in our communities.
Amy Perkins, senior emergency preparedness planner at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, has been with Entergy for three years. Learn how her power principles help her keep her team and family safe.
"My power principle at work is to always be prepared. Whatever department you may work in, preparation is the key to ensuring we perform all of our work safely and error-free."
"I take it very personally that people can trust what I say and know that I will do what it takes to get a job done correctly."