Entergy is proud to join Utilities United Against Scams to recognize the eighth annual Utility Scam Awareness Day on Wednesday, Nov. 15, during International Fraud Awareness Week.
Latest Insights
You pay for energy use on your monthly bills, but what exactly are you using those dollars for?
You pay for energy use on your monthly bills, but what exactly are you using those dollars for?
Refresh your scam prevention knowledge so you can distinguish tricks from treats on Halloween – and all year round.
Electrifying your home will bring big benefits to your family and the environment. But, what's the best way to electrify your water heater?
Relax knowing that you've rid your home and bills of energy waste.
There are several ways to reduce indoor pollution.
Unfortunately, air leaking out of your home wastes energy, costing you money and making you less comfortable. By finding and fixing those leaks, you can reduce your energy bills and increase your comfort level.
Entergy Mississippi has continued adapting to customers’ evolving needs through work-process improvements and investments in new technologies to improve service, efficiency and convenience.
Emergencies — such as a fire, storm or other natural disaster — can happen at any time. To minimize your risks and keep your family safe, it's best to be prepared.