News Release > Entergy Arkansas offers tips for keeping fall safe, fun
Entergy Arkansas offers tips for keeping fall safe, fun

Taking a few precautions can help you avoid accidents and injuries
The seasonal transition to fall is a time that many anticipate all year long—bringing sweater weather, scents of pumpkin spice, bright lights of the state fair and trick-or-treating, just to name a few. This time of year can also bring opportunities for customers to tackle home improvement or landscaping projects. As fun and gratifying as these activities can be, no one wants them to result in an accident or injury. Entergy Arkansas has some helpful tips for staying safe throughout the season.
Keep safety first with home projects
Fall is a great time to tidy up and prep your property for winter. When cleaning up fallen leaves and branches or trimming trees, always use caution and be aware of overhead lines. Position your ladder away from overhead wires, so trimmings will not fall onto power lines. If this happens, always assume downed wires are energized and call 1-800-ENTERGY for help.
If your fall spruce-up includes digging up flower beds, trees or shrubs, remember to call before you dig. Calling 811 before you dig will keep you safe and prevent disruption of utility services to your neighborhood.
When performing maintenance activities that require a ladder inside or out, be sure to wear proper footwear, position the ladder on a flat surface, and have someone nearby to spot you.
Keep the season safe, not scary
Children look forward to the Halloween season and all the fun it brings: wearing costumes, enjoying candy and attending fall festivals and carnivals. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers tips to help children celebrate safely.
Prepare to welcome trick-or-treaters to your home safely by checking outdoor lights and making sure walkways and steps are well-lighted and free of any tripping hazards. For outside use, only three-wire grounded extension cords should be used. Use rubber gaskets in light sockets or hang sockets downward to keep water out and remember to turn outside lights and decorations off when you are away from home or asleep. Help children learn about safety with videos, activities and other resources.
Daylight Saving Time ends November 5
When Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, Nov. 5, fewer hours of daylight will make it harder to see children going to and from the school bus in the mornings and evenings. When driving, avoid distractions and watch for children in the neighborhood. The National Association for Pupil Transportation offers additional tips for ensuring children arrive to and from school safely.
When setting your clocks to fall back an hour, take the time to check the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. All homes should contain a carbon monoxide detector to help identify the colorless and odorless gas that can cause serious illness or death.
Stay cozy with these indoor tips
Candles add a warm ambience to an autumn evening, but remember it is never safe to leave candles burning unattended. A small sputter or an errant flame can cause a fire in an instant.
Space heaters should only be used with caution. They are large consumers of energy and a fire hazard and should be kept at least three feet away from draperies, rugs and furniture. Additionally, homeowners who use a gas or electric furnace should schedule an appointment for service by a certified technician to make sure it is safe for operation and for greatest efficiency.
A wood-burning stove or fireplace can add warmth and coziness to a room but should also be used with caution and proper preparation. Have your chimney cleaned by a professional before the first fire is lit. Fallen leaves, animal nests and other debris can cause the smoke to vent into your home rather than outside and cause a fire.
Remember to replace dirty air filters inside and remove debris from the unit outside to ensure your HVAC unit works efficiently through all seasons.
Hurricane season lasts through November 30, so it is important to not let your guard down when the weather begins to cool. Prepare now for severe weather that may come your way by making a plan and a kit.