News Release > Harnessing the Power of The Sun
Harnessing the Power of The Sun

Work under way on solar power plant in New Orleans East
NEW ORLEANS – Construction has begun on a 20-megawatt solar plant on approximately 90 acres of flood-protected property at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans East.
The New Orleans Solar Station is being engineered and constructed by DEPCOM Power Inc. for Entergy New Orleans and will add another source of renewable energy for the utility’s customers in Orleans Parish.
Engineered to withstand 134 mph hurricane conditions, approximately 70,500 solar panels will be used in the construction of the site. Once complete later this year, the plant will provide clean energy to more than 3,100 area homes and offset the equivalent of nearly 6,150 passenger vehicles’ emissions in one year.
“It's important that we continue to invest in local infrastructure to improve reliability while creating local jobs as the region works to recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis,” said David Ellis, president and CEO of Entergy New Orleans. “The New Orleans Solar Station is an important part of Entergy New Orleans’ plan to add utility-scale solar to our existing renewable resource portfolio, which includes residential and commercial rooftop solar, utility-scale solar plus storage, and run-of-river hydropower. This resource will provide a new, long-term, renewable source of energy for our customers.”
Constructing solar plants classifies DEPCOM employees and its subcontractors as essential critical infrastructure workers under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency guidelines, ensuring project construction can continue so that energy is delivered to the nation’s citizens.
The safety of all contractors and employees is Entergy New Orleans’ and DEPCOM’s top priority, along with the shared commitment to delivering clean and efficient solar power to the local New Orleans community as promised.
“In response to the COVID-19 situation, our highly experienced Safety teams are monitoring all applicable governmental authority’s public health daily statements and guidelines and have implemented heightened health and safety procedures at the New Orleans Solar Station. Additionally, the 90-acre site enables workers appropriate social distancing across the field as they operate. As essential infrastructure workers, the DEPCOM team is proud to continue working in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines during this challenging time, ensuring reliable utility solar power is delivered to Entergy New Orleans’ customers,” said Johnnie Taul, President of DEPCOM.
DEPCOM and DEPCOM’s G.I.V.E.S, a non-profit organization, will also direct donations to those in greatest need across New Orleans responding to the COVID-19 situation as well as to deserving community organizations serving the impoverished, veterans, education and community solar programs. Since announcing the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund in March, Entergy shareholders have committed more than $1.3 million across Entergy’s service territory to help community nonprofits and qualifying customers who are struggling with the financial impact of the ongoing pandemic. More information about Entergy’s COVID-19 preparations and response can be found at
The solar plant will generate approximately 200 jobs during construction, with a focus on hiring local craft and U.S. veterans, along with contracting local businesses for services such as sanitation, waste management, fuel and rental construction equipment.
In addition to renewable resources, Entergy New Orleans’ energy portfolio includes approximately 420 MW of carbon-free generating capacity from nuclear resources. Together, these carbon-free resources will account for nearly 40% of the company’s generation capacity and will continue to decrease Entergy New Orleans’ carbon emissions, which today are already 50% below the national average.
About Entergy New Orleans
Entergy New Orleans, LLC is the electric and gas utility that serves Louisiana’s Orleans Parish. The company provides electricity to more than 200,000 customers and natural gas to more than 108,000 customers. The company is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR), an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 9,000 megawatts of nuclear power. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.9 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of $11 billion and approximately 13,600 employees.
About DEPCOM Power
DEPCOM Power is a partner in utility scale solar for: Project Development Support, Engineering, Procurement & Construction and Operations and Maintenance services for utilities, independent power producers and project development companies. DEPCOM Power leverages a highly experienced solar team, technology and agnostic top-tier solar modules, and cost- effective balance of system components to provide optimum levels of agility, price and quality for utility scale solar. For more information about DEPCOM Power, please visit
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