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News > Communities, Energy efficiency
Entergy New Orleans’ Energy Smart program launches new website

Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency and demand response program, launches its brand-new website to start the year.

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News > Communities
Entergy employees pack more than 250,000 meals in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, more than 230 Entergy employees and community partners across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas came together to package over 250,000 meals for families facing food insecurity. For more than two decades, Entergy has empowered employees to make a meaningful impact in the fight against hunger through volunteerism.

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Entergy New Orleans powers economic growth and helps build a stronger city

As the region’s only Fortune 500 company, Entergy New Orleans is committed to helping our community grow economically and thrive as a hub for opportunity. Our contributions to the local economy and partnerships with global and local organizations drive significant impact

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News > Communities, Customers
Entergy New Orleans to offer free tax assistance for customers at upcoming Super Tax Day events

This February, Entergy New Orleans will offer its customers free tax preparation and support at upcoming multiple Super Tax Day events throughout New Orleans. Qualified Entergy customers can walk in and receive assistance from IRS-certified volunteers, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free income tax filing experience.

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News > Storms
Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans: Winter weather response and system performance

In the wake of historic winter weather conditions in Louisiana, Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans are proud to share the results of extensive preparation and response efforts during the event.

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News > Storms
Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans update on winter weather preparations

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans remain dedicated to ensuring the safety of customers and restoring power as quickly and safely as possible.

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News > Storms
Entergy's Louisiana utilities prepare for potential hard freeze, winter precipitation

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans continue to actively monitor the frigid temperatures and winter precipitation expected to move through the region early next week.

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News > Energy efficiency
Entergy offers variety of bill management and assistance options for winter season

Cooler temperatures are here in our region, meaning some customers are turning on heaters to take the chill out of the air. Producing heat requires a lot of electricity, which can drive up your energy usage and bills.

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Impact 59 Powered by Entergy awards over $3.5M in grants to 65 organizations in greater New Orleans

With just 59 days until Super Bowl LIX, the New Orleans Super Bowl LIX Host Committee, Entergy and partner organizations distributed more than $3.5 million in grants to 65 nonprofit organizations across the Greater New Orleans region.

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