Entergy Mississippi is monitoring the progress of severe weather moving into its service territory and is preparing for the possibility that powerful storms could affect customers Friday afternoon and into the evening.
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Spring symbolizes a new beginning, but when it comes to seasonal changes, the uncertainty of weather remains. Entergy Mississippi plans and trains all year to respond and restore power when extreme, unpredictable weather causes power outages and downed power lines.
Customers should prepare by winterizing, preparing emergency kits, charging phones
Entergy Arkansas is staging crews, equipment and supplies in areas of the state likely to be the hardest hit in the coming days based on a forecast for sleet, freezing rain, and ice accumulations.
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Entergy Mississippi has opened a $16.6-million facility to serve as its hub for customer service, distribution operations and storm response in DeSoto County.
The company urges customers to be storm ready, too
Entergy Texas, Inc. employees plan and train year-round, ready to respond and restore power when extreme, unpredictable weather causes power outages and downed power lines.
In a matter of days, Arkansas will see temperatures ranging from the upper 60s to the teens, which of course means severe weather will be in the mix. That usually means thunderstorms, floods and tornadoes this time of year, but it could also mean freezing rain.
Louisiana recognizes Severe Weather Preparedness Week Feb. 13-19