La compañía anuncia la necesidad de aumentar en un 40% la capacidad de generación en los próximos cuatro años para satisfacer la importante demanda de los clientes.
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The company announces the need for a 40% increase in generation capacity within the next four years to meet significant customer demand.
The Palms substation is expected to be in service in June and will support the growing electrical demand on the peninsula.
Preparation tips for hurricane season.
The event united local, state and national leaders to explore the region’s ever-growing energy needs.
The Umbriel Solar facility provides enough clean energy to power more than 30,000 homes.
Stay safe by knowing where utility lines are buried – call 811 before you dig.
Today, Entergy announced its 2023 Performance Report, titled “Energy for a better future.” Entergy’s strategic approach, outlined in the report, is designed to drive growth, enhance sustainability and build a more resilient system for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
This is the fifth year the company has earned the highest honor by the program.