Insights > Beat summer heat with an A/C tune-up
Beat summer heat with an A/C tune-up

Don’t let the dog days of summer get you down. A high-performance air conditioning tune-up through our A/C Tune-up Program can help keep you cool and comfortable all season long.
Air conditioning maintenance is an important decision that can have a big impact on improving your home’s efficiency and comfort. As much as half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling, according to Through our A/C Tune-up Program, you may qualify for an air conditioning tune-up at no additional cost. Beyond a typical seasonal service check, your equipment will be evaluated, and necessary adjustments will be made to ensure your system is operating as efficiently as possible, saving you energy and money.
A/C Tune-up Benefits
- Get more from your tune-up. A participating trade ally will evaluate your equipment's energy performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure that your system is operating as efficiently as possible. Adjustments include a comprehensive diagnostic check and cleaning the outdoor condenser.
- Save money and energy. Get your tune-up at no additional cost. Plus, your system will run more efficiently, so you'll save on energy costs all summer long.
- Worry less. A properly maintained air conditioner lasts longer, is more reliable and is safer for your family.
- Stay cool. An energy-efficient air conditioner keeps you and your family cool and comfortable.
If your air conditioning unit is more than 12 years old, it may be time to consider a new, more efficient system. New ENERGY STAR® models could cut your cooling costs by 30%. To help you save even more, we also offer incentives on qualifying heating and cooling systems through our Heating and Cooling Equipment Program.
Ready to schedule your air conditioning tune-up or learn more about our programs? Select your Entergy operating company here and follow the prompts to learn more, request an appointment, or contact one of our participating trade allies.
You can find more energy efficiency tips online.
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