Insights > El Dorado Youngsters Get Taste of Electrical Work
El Dorado Youngsters Get Taste of Electrical Work

Junior high isn't too early to start thinking about a career as a lineworker. Thanks to some enthusiastic Entergy volunteers, several sixth through eighth graders in south Arkansas got a glimpse into the power business at the Young Manufacturers' Academy, hosted by South Arkansas Community College in El Dorado.
Young Manufacturers' Academy is a five-day summer workshop to expose young people to manufacturing, local industries, and the skills they would need as future employees.
"SACC does lots of fun activities with them throughout the week, including bringing in industry personnel to present information in an interactive format," said Chris Wasson, Entergy Arkansas customer service representative who participated in the event. Also representing Entergy were Ashley Nale and Brandon Dison from the Union Power Station in El Dorado.
"Students were able to see Brandon wear an arc flash suit, simulate an electric motor with copper wire, magnets, and batteries, and simulate linework by repairing a damaged pole and closing the switch to restore power to customers," Wasson said.