Insights > Entergy Arkansas Storm Update – 8/29/21 @ 6 p.m.
Entergy Arkansas Storm Update – 8/29/21 @ 6 p.m.

Entergy is prepared to mobilize as remnants of Hurricane Ida begin to enter the southeastern and eastern parts of the state beginning tomorrow morning, August 30. We expect squalls and winds up to 25 mph to increase the potential for outages. We have support personnel, crews and resources ready to respond to outages quickly and safely as possible, while practicing social distancing measures needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. For preparation tips and updates visit
As with any weather event, please be mindful of the following safety tips:
- Live wires can be deadly. Stay away from downed power lines. Call 1-800-9OUTAGE or 1-800-968-8243 to report downed or dangling power lines, poles or other damaged equipment.
- Do not trim trees or remove debris on or near downed power lines. Only power company crews or their contractors should remove trees or limbs touching power lines.
- Keep away from the immediate areas where crews are working. There is always the danger of moving equipment and the possibility of construction materials or limbs or overhead wires falling to the ground.
- If you plan on using a generator for temporary power, get a licensed electrician and disconnect from the utility electric system before hooking up to your main electric panel.
- Do not run a generator in a confined space without adequate ventilation.
- Turn off any electrical appliances that can easily be turned to the off position until power is restored.
- Check on seniors, who can be particularly susceptible to extreme temperatures.
- Try to stay off the roads in affected areas. More traffic in bad weather leads to more accidents, including more injuries and fatalities as well as accidents that can damage electrical poles and other equipment, creating outages and impeding the ability of crews to access and repair damage and slowing restoration.
We want to keep you informed and in control. The best way to get information about outages is via Entergy’s View Outage application on the homepage. Additional resources for your convenience:
- Download our app for your smartphone at com/app or visit Entergy Storm Center to stay informed on our restoration progress.
- Sign up for text alerts. From your cell phone, text R E G to 368374, or visit com.
- Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter @ EntergyARK.
- Follow updates in your local news media, like radio, television and newspapers.