Insights > Entergy Mississippi Storm Update – 9/1/21 @ 12 p.m.
Entergy Mississippi Storm Update – 9/1/21 @ 12 p.m.

Entergy crews and additional resource workers have made significant progress restoring power to nearly 36,000 customers after Hurricane Ida caused outages for approximately 46,000 customers on Monday. As of 12 p.m., about 10,700 customers remain without power.
Our restoration workforce includes more than 2,000 lineworkers, contractors and support staff from 18 states. Restoration work is proceeding as safely as possible. The majority of customers in the hardest-hit areas of Brookhaven, McComb, Natchez and Gloster should be restored by Thursday night.
Damage assessment is nearly complete and our crews have identified 147 broken poles, 622 spans of wire down, and damage to 58 cross arms and 39 transformers. Much of the equipment is located off-road in difficult-to-reach areas and will take time to repair.
- A span of wire measures about 250-300 feet in length. The current number of spans down is equivalent to about 32 miles of wire.
- Under ideal circumstances, a crew can replace a broken pole in about three hours. The number of broken power poles found in this storm could take crews more than 440 hours to replace.
Crews continue to take additional safety measures required for COVID-19, including social distancing. We ask customers to do the same. For their safety and yours, please stay away from our work zones.
We know you want to know when power will be restored in your area. More specific assessment and restoration information is available on View Outages by selecting “For Important Storm Information Please Click Here” in the red bar at the top of the page.
You can also use these tips to stay safe and keep in touch:
- Live wires can be deadly. Stay away from downed power lines. Call 1-800-9OUTAGE or 1-800-968-8243 to report downed or dangling power lines, poles or other damaged equipment.
- Do not trim trees or remove debris on or near downed power lines. Only power company crews or their contractors should remove trees or limbs touching power lines.
- Keep away from the immediate areas where crews are working. There is always the danger of moving equipment and the possibility of construction materials or limbs or overhead wires falling to the ground.
- If you plan on using a generator for temporary power, get a licensed electrician and disconnect from the utility electric system before hooking up to your home main electric panel.
- Do not run a generator in a confined space without adequate ventilation.
- Avoid using candles or other flammable devices to warm your home.
- Do your medical needs require electricity? If so, make sure you have a plan in case of a power outage. Learn more:
- Check on seniors, who can be particularly susceptible to extreme temperatures.
- Try to stay off the roads in affected areas. More traffic in bad weather leads to more accidents, including more injuries and fatalities as well as accidents that can damage electrical poles and other equipment, creating outages and impeding the ability of crews to access and repair damage and slowing restoration.
Stay in touch
- We want to keep you informed and in control so here is the best way to get information about outages in addition to the View Outage application:
- Download our app for your smartphone at or visit to stay informed on our restoration progress. Android users who have difficulty accessing the app on their smartphones can get information from the mobile version of our site at
- Sign up for outage text alerts. From your cell phone, text R E G to 36778, or visit
- Follow us on and
- Follow updates in your local news media, like radio, television and newspapers.
We appreciate your patience as we work to safely restore power. For more tips and storm updates, visit