Insights > Get summer-READI with a home energy audit
Get summer-READI with a home energy audit

Looking to save money on your Entergy bill this summer? Look no further than our Entergy Solutions Residential Energy Audit and Direct Install Program. This program offers a free walk-through inspection and audit of your home's energy systems conducted by one of the energy efficiency experts in our authorized trade ally network. The expert will identify areas where you can reduce energy use and improve comfort and may even install energy-saving products like LED light bulbs, night lights or power-saving strips at no extra cost to you.
Here's how the program works:
- First, schedule your walk-through with an authorized trade ally trained in energy efficiency. During the walk-through, the expert will inspect your home's insulation levels, air leaks, duct leaks, heating and cooling systems, windows and doors, lighting and appliances and water-heating equipment. They'll provide advice on how you can reduce energy use and save money.
- After the walk-through, you'll receive a simple report summarizing the expert's findings and recommendations for reducing your energy costs.
- With your permission, the expert will then install a number of energy-saving products to help you start saving immediately.
- And finally, if applicable, the energy expert can help you schedule a follow-up appointment to address any air leak or insulation concerns. Air sealing, duct sealing and the installation of ceiling insulation are also available at no extra cost.
In addition to the READI Program, Entergy Mississippi also offers incentives on energy-saving products and services, such as A/C tune-ups, high-efficiency appliances, HVAC equipment and more.
For more information and to explore all the ways Entergy can help you save energy and money this summer and throughout the year, visit or call 844-523-9980.