Insights > The path to a more resilient US power grid (POLITICO)
The path to a more resilient US power grid (POLITICO)

Policymakers and industry leaders are looking for new, sustainable solutions to provide the reliable and affordable electricity that customers expect, and that will help ensure U.S. energy security, especially as we face more frequent and extreme weather events. POLITICO’s 2024 Energy Summit takes a closer look at how both groups are writing and revising the rules of this new energy future and investing in energy infrastructure.
Utility leader Entergy, a sponsor of the POLITICO Energy Summit, has been working to secure an energy future that balances customer affordability, reliability and sustainability. However, company leaders know it will take a firm resolve and unwavering commitment. Entergy operates in and around the Gulf Coast, a critical region to U.S. energy independence, and provides power for three million customers, a quarter of whom live at or below the poverty line.
The company is making thoughtful investments in strengthening the power grid that will increase resilience and expand clean energy generation, while furthering their goal — and policymakers' goals — toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.
Guest column originally published June 5, 2024, in the vol. 18, no. 45 issue of POLITICO.