Insights > The Power of Upcycling
The Power of Upcycling

City Park provides New Orleanians and visitors with access to natural and cultural resources, including many nature paths. Thanks to Entergy’s transmission vegetation team, park visitors now have an improved experience on several of those walking trails.
Entergy employees from Louisiana and Texas, along with several contract partners, recently volunteered to spread mulch leftover from Entergy’s tree removal and trimming maintenance activities to improve the conditions of the walking trails.
“Our team is passionate about serving our customers and giving back to the communities we serve. We are grateful for the opportunity to reuse and upcycle the mulch to enhance the experience for all visiting the park in the heart of the city,” said Michelle Bourg, vice president of transmission asset management.
The crews used the volunteer activity as a team building opportunity in advance of this year’s hurricane season – a time when they heavily lean on each other to prepare for and respond to every storm that may threaten Entergy’s system and customers. Transmission vegetation employees manage trees and other vegetation that may impact electrical facilities before they can cause damage or disrupt power – a critical part of storm preparation.
After a storm, vegetation management employees continue to work to identify trees that are damaged or dying as a result of stress sustained during previous storms. Once trees are removed from around electric infrastructure, the removed trees are chipped and shredded, creating wood products and mulch. Coming full circle, the mulch is then upcycled for parks and walking trails.
For more information on tree trimming and power line safety, visit