Insights > Laissez Les Bons Temps "Recycle"
Laissez Les Bons Temps "Recycle"

With millions of pounds of waste collected from New Orleans streets each year during Carnival season, Entergy is proud to have partnered with local nonprofits this year as part of a collective, citywide effort to ensure a purple, gold and greener Mardi Gras.
The community-driven recycling effort focused on reducing the adverse environmental effects of Carnival season. Beads, throws and other recyclable materials were collected during a Mardi Gras recycling initiative conducted through a new sustainability partnership between Entergy Corporation, Grounds Krewe, The Urban Conservancy, ArcGNO and Republic Services. Volunteers and workers from the Youth Empowerment Project distributed and picked up recyclable bags that were filled by parade goers along the Uptown parade route on Sunday, March 3.
"It is my hope that incorporating recycling into Mardi Gras helps expand New Orleanians' perceptions of what is possible when it comes to protecting and sustaining the environment," said Kathryn, a volunteer and manger in Entergy's ethics & compliance department.
Through this community partnership, volunteers walked 30 city blocks and collected 3.5 tons of Mardi Gras beads & throws and 7,000 cans & bottles following three parades. Check out the positive impact this volunteer initiative had on New Orleans’ environment in this infographic:
All plastic beads collected were donated to ArcGNO's bead recycling program. Other recyclable materials collected were taken to local recycling facilities.
Learn more about Entergy's commitment to the environment here.