Insights > Meet the pros: Entergy Nuclear’s Larry Henderson
Meet the pros: Entergy Nuclear’s Larry Henderson

In celebration of Black History Month, meet Larry Henderson, a supervisor for the central design organization and the engineers support group based out of nuclear headquarters located in Jackson, Miss.
Henderson oversees the nuclear fleet’s drafting support with the focal area of configuration management—ensuring the drawings and plans match with the current physical plant configurations.
His leadership style includes an open-door policy with an emphasis on communication.
“I love interacting with the people I work with,” said Henderson. “Of course, getting our work done is important but sharing things about our life and getting to know each other makes work more meaningful. At the end of the day, we’re all humans and we all have lives outside of work. It allows for a better work mentality just by being an open communicator.”
Henderson, a native of Jackson, Miss., earned his mechanical engineering degree while playing college baseball at Prairie View A&M University. He began working with Entergy Nuclear in 2011 at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, located in Port Gibson, Miss. Prior to working for Entergy, he worked in the oil and gas industry, which allowed him to live in multiple states and even internationally.
In 2017, he transitioned from GGNS to nuclear headquarters in the central design and programs group—earning a supervisor role in 2020 and moving to his current role last December.
Henderson’s favorite part of his role is conducting outreach at Jackson State University for incoming STEM freshman and Tougaloo College for their college-affiliated high school ninth- and tenth 10th-graders.
“On our visits to Jackson State and Tougaloo, we educate them about the benefits of nuclear power, bring awareness to the nuclear site that we have in our own state and let them know about the multiple career opportunities at Grand Gulf,” Henderson said. “I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I didn’t know anything about Grand Gulf growing up. It’s important to expose young people to the benefits of one of the most reliable and clean energy forms, as well as letting them know the options for a great career that are here.”
Henderson recognizes the importance of and champions Entergy’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging program.
“The dynamics changed with our new chief nuclear officer, Kimberly Cook-Nelson, and her emphasis on DIB,” he said. “Her support and inclusion of DIB in our day-to-day activities has helped build respect for minorities and diverse candidates who are working here.”
“By doing that, it has helped the company grow, and we now have diverse perspectives from individuals who are being hired,” Henderson continued. “Outside perspectives are so important to change the normal ways of processes for ones that are better and more effective. If we make people feel belonged and included, they will want to work harder and enjoy coming to work more.”
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