Meet Kyle Rome, an electrical and instrumentation and controls system engineer who has worked at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station in Killona, La. for more than two years.
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The 2024 Entergy Mississippi Lineman Rodeo and Family Fun Day was held recently at the Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson, with more than 1,000 employees and family members in attendance.
Community engagement and civic responsibility are fundamental to the culture of Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans. With a steadfast dedication to giving back, employees’ volunteer efforts are making a tangible difference in the lives of those around them.
Chief Nuclear Officer Kimberly Cook-Nelson was a featured speaker at the 2024 Tulane Engineering Forum.
Last month, Entergy leaders and mentors gathered at Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to engage with students of the Entergy Scholars Program. This event was part of Entergy’s longstanding partnership with the university, which began in 2018 with our $2 million contribution to help foster student success.
An annual sponsorship of free tax preparation services has been a cornerstone of Entergy’s corporate social responsibility initiatives to help customers facing financial challenges and uplift our communities out of poverty.
Entergy Mississippi team member Chris Foster donates kidney to family friend, saving her life
Meet Laura Greer, an outage financial analyst at Entergy’s nuclear headquarters in Jackson, Miss.
Meet Chelsea Mullen, a supervisor for radiation protection operations who has worked at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station for four years.