Latest Insights

Insights > Giving back, Storms
The Power of Upcycling

Entergy employees from Louisiana and Texas, along with several contract partners, recently volunteered to spread mulch leftover from Entergy’s tree removal and trimming maintenance activities to improve the conditions of the walking trails.

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Insights > Our future
Building a More Resilient Electric Grid For a Stronger New Orleans

Entergy New Orleans is making investments to ensure a more resilient Orleans Parish.

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Insights > People power, Giving back
The Heart of Customer Service: Not Missing a Beat During the Pandemic

COVID-19 presented extraordinary challenges for customers and businesses, but our Care Centers took immediate steps to be able to continue partnering with customers offering in-person bill payment and customer service assistance

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Insights > Our future
Gas Replacement Program Delivering Safer, More Reliable Product to Customers

Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans are currently replacing hundreds of miles of cast iron, bare steel and other vintage gas pipes to modernize the companies’ gas delivery system.

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Insights > Our future
Entergy Territory is Resilience Personified (Site Selection Magazine)

The company’s utility business puts service to its 3 million customers at the top of its priority list. In the process, Entergy’s five operating companies are helping to build a region.

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Insights > Giving back
IT Employees Makes it 100 and Then Some

Entergy’s information technology team contributed more than 400 hours of community service, exceeding their #IT100HourChallenge in April.

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Keep you and your home safe with these helpful tips
Keep you and your home safe with these helpful tips
Insights > Tips and tools
Make room at home for electrical safety

Electricity is a safe and reliable form of energy. However, it can be dangerous if not treated properly. The following is a checklist of items that you can use throughout your home to help protect your family.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy New Orleans Storm Update – 5/12/21 @ 5 p.m.

At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. In addition to Entergy New Orleans’ base restoration crews, we had approximately 150 additional crew members helping to restore power. Assessments include 30 poles down and 12 transformers damaged as a result of the severe weather.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy New Orleans Storm Update – 5/12/21 @ 9 a.m.

Severe storms came through the Metro New Orleans area early this morning brining heavy rains, lightening and strong winds. At its peak, the storm caused 10,000 outages throughout the New Orleans area. Entergy New Orleans crews and contractors are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power

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