Latest Insights

Insights > People power
National Engineers Week – Shania Drummond

From our power plants and operations centers to regulatory teams and capital projects, engineers are an indispensable part of the Entergy team.

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Insights > People power
National Engineers Week – Ricardo Garcia

From our power plants and operations centers to regulatory teams and capital projects, engineers are an indispensable part of the Entergy team.

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Insights > People power
National Engineers Week – Jerry Harness

From our power plants and operations centers to regulatory teams and capital projects, engineers are an indispensable part of the Entergy team.

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Entergy team and stakeholders advocate for our customers and communities on Capitol Hill
Entergy team and stakeholders advocate for our customers and communities on Capitol Hill
Insights > Our future, People power, Giving back
Entergy advocates for vulnerable customers during LIHEAP Action Day on Capitol Hill

This month, 20 representatives from Entergy, alongside our invaluable community partners and customers, joined advocates in Washington, D.C. to participate in LIHEAP Action Day. Our team visited 24 congressional offices, conveying the profound impact that LIHEAP funds have on our vulnerable customers and communities.

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Insights > Storms
Entergy generators sustained historic electricity usage during recent cold spells

Highest level of winter usage ever recorded across Entergy’s system

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Insights > People power, Storms
El trabajo duro hace que no tener noticias sea una buena noticia

Los clientes de Entergy Texas vieron temperaturas frías récord, fuertes vientos y precipitaciones invernales. Lo que los clientes de Entergy Texas no vieron fue la necesidad de apagones temporales o la necesidad de que los clientes conservaran la energía.

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Insights > People power, Storms
Hard work makes no news good news

Entergy Texas customers saw record cold temperatures, heavy winds and winter precipitation. What Entergy Texas customers didn’t see was the need for temporary, rolling outages or the ask for customers to conserve energy.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Extreme temperatures lead to increased energy usage

Entergy Texas offers variety of bill management and assistance options to help customers save energy and money during extreme weather.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Here’s how to stay warm while managing your energy usage

Entergy Texas offers tips for maximizing your energy efficiency during the winter.

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