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Insights > Tips and tools
Save Energy with Advanced Power Strips

That streaming video you want to watch when you get home? It's wasting energy waiting for you to press a button.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Do's and Don'ts: Using a Laptop Computer

Laptops are more common than ever. Protect your computer and the data stored on it with these simple tips.

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Lower bills, added convenience
Insights > Tips and tools
3 Cheers for Advanced Power Strips

Phantom power has been secretly haunting you for years. But, thanks to advanced power strips, you and your electric bills can finally relax.

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Insights > Tips and tools
5 Ways to Save While Doing the Laundry

There's nothing like the fresh scent of savings to go with your clean laundry.

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Get your home ready for high summer temperatures.
Insights > Tips and tools
Tips for Cool Summer Savings

Worried about high energy bills? Don't sweat it. These measures will help you stay cool and save all summer long.

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Help trim your warm-weather energy bills with these tips.
Insights > Tips and tools
Get Your House in Shape for Summer

Summer is almost here. Now is a great time to prepare your home for higher temperatures.

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LED bulbs use 80 percent less energy than traditional incandescents.
LED bulbs use 80 percent less energy than traditional incandescents.
Insights > Tips and tools
6 Things You Didn't Know About LEDs

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that if every American home replaced just one bulb with an LED, the total annual energy savings would be more than $566 million.

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Which appliances cost the most to run?
Insights > Tips and tools
Home Appliances: The Biggest Energy Users Ever

Appliances and electronics work hard making your life easier, but they also add to your energy bills. Which ones cost you the most?

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Knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
Knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
Insights > Tips and tools
3 Common Myths about Home Heating

Knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.

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