Latest Insights

Insights > Tips and tools, Storms
More extreme heat returns, customers urged to take precautions for safety and efficiency

Daily temps will hover near or above 100 degrees for several days to come. Take these simple measures to help manage your energy bill.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Your home: Top 3 energy-wasting mistakes

Here are three of the most common energy-wasting mistakes homeowners make and what you can do about them.

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Insights > Tips and tools
What exactly is a kilowatt-hour?

With a better understanding of how you're charged for electricity, you have the power to find ways to save and reduce your energy bills.

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Insights > Tips and tools
Starting over: Changing your energy lifestyle

From simple behavioral changes to home improvement upgrades, these measures will help you on your journey to a more energy-efficient way of life.

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Insights > People power, Giving back
Building real trust with real answers (GridX podcast)

Tara Seavers, vice president, customer strategy and growth, sat down with GridX on their latest podcast, "With Great Power," to discuss how Entergy provided real answers to our customers during their time of need this summer.

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Small changes like weather stripping, changing air filters can add up and save energy costs
Insights > Tips and tools, People power
Small behavior changes, minor home improvements can impact energy usage

Entergy Arkansas often reminds customers to adjust their thermostat to have the greatest impact on their electricity usage to save dollars on their monthly bills, but home improvements can also affect how efficiently your home heating, ventilation and air conditioner system works.

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Do you qualify for a $150 bill credit?

Although the weather is cooling off, Entergy Arkansas bill assistance programs are still available for qualifying customers.

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Insights > Giving back
Prices are going up, so Entergy Mississippi is stepping up

Entergy Mississippi is providing between $150 to $1,000 in direct bill payment help to Mississippi families who need help paying their power bills.

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Real solutions to assist Entergy Arkansas customers

Many factors impact your energy bills, with usage and weather as the leading contributors. This summer has brought some of the hottest weather on record.

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