In the holiday movie classic, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” Clark Griswold sets out to create a good old-fashioned family Christmas. He lights the outside of his house with 25,000 twinkling lights, which at first fail to work (due to his faulty wiring) and then temporarily cause a city-wide power shortage and wreak havoc for his neighbors.
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In the holiday movie classic, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," Clark Griswold sets out to create a good old-fashioned family Christmas. He lights the outside of his house with 25,000 twinkling lights, which at first fail to work (due to his faulty wiring) and then temporarily cause a city-wide power shortage and wreak havoc for his neighbors.
Triple-digit temperatures have returned to Arkansas, but don't let your electric bills climb along with the mercury. By taking steps to be more energy-efficient, your air conditioner will run less which will help keep your electricity bill down.
Southwest Steel Processing, LLC in Newport earned $335,739 in rebates from Entergy Arkansas, Inc. in May 2015 for participating in a program that provides incentives for commercial and industrial customers to upgrade their facilities with more energy-efficient equipment.
Magnolia Heights School in Senatobia has found a solution to its high energy bills -- Entergy Solutions!
Converting irrigation pumps from diesel to electric can save thousands of dollars
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Entergy Texas, Inc. with a 2014 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award for their continued leadership in protecting our environment through superior energy efficiency.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) named Entergy New Orleans a 2014 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award recipient for its outstanding contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by providing energy efficiency education and programs to its customers.