Entergy Arkansas customers who need help paying their summer utility bills can apply now for assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
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$79.5 million in requested funding would help finance proposed infrastructure investments to increase reliability and resiliency of electric power delivery, resulting in less damage, lower restoration costs, fewer interruptions, and faster recovery times after major storms
La compañía donará fondos para igualar los de familias elegibles
The company will donate matching funds for eligible families
Women in Nuclear’s book drive and volunteer day successful
Entergy Mississippi, LLC has kicked off a new child savings account program at the Children’s Foundation of Mississippi Summit.
Grant funds will provide assistance to low-income Latino children and their families
Bill payment help, energy-efficiency tools and more on tap
Entergy Arkansas is expanding corporate contributions by $1.8 million and implementing a series of measures to assist our customers and communities.