Entergy Arkansas is proud to be a Champion for ALICE, which are those who are Asset-Limited Income-Constrained Employed – working men and women who have a difficult time making ends meet. ALICE could be our neighbors, friends, family or even co-workers.
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Some heroes wear capes. Some wear work gloves and safety glasses. Most just want to do a good deed for those in need, often because someone else once extended them a helping hand. David Rose, an analyst in Entergy Mississippi’s economic development department, will tell you he’s no hero. Erica Jackson, a senior project manager at Entergy, may beg to differ.
Entergy has donated more than 460 refurbished laptops this summer to school districts in our service territory so students have the technology they need when they return to school this fall.
Entergy donated $500,000 to help the City of Lake Charles and the Children’s Museum.
Amid a pandemic, Entergy takes seriously the health and safety of our workforce, customers and communities. During the 21st refueling and maintenance outage, the River Bend Station team established some strong partnerships with local businesses outside normal refueling partnerships.
Honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ed Garrison, recovery manager at Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, is a community connector, strengthening relationships that tie organizations and citizenry together to make a bigger impact than any individual could manage alone.
Knowing many Arkansas students’ lives had been upended by the conversion to remote learning, the Entergy Arkansas’ Entergy Solutions team brainstormed how they could help.
A joint letter to the editor from Entergy Corporation chairman and CEO Leo Denault and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana president and CEO Dr. Steven Udvarhelyi.