Mark Kleehammer, formerly vice president of regulatory and public affairs for Entergy Louisiana, has been named vice president for commercial and industrial journey and products for Entergy Corporation.
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Biden-Harris Administration announced the federal government’s first Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a utility - Entergy Arkansas - to work toward achieving 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE), at least 50 percent of which would be provided on a 24/7 basis.
Entergy today announced Seth Cureington has been promoted to vice president, commercial development and portfolio management. He reports to David Ellis, Entergy’s chief customer officer.
Companies sign MOU to develop options designed to accelerate the deployment of new renewable energy generation resources and to increase the resiliency of power supply in Entergy Texas’s Southeast Texas service area, where Sempra Infrastructure’s facilities are under development.
Entergy Corporation is working closely with its customers across its entire service region, and recent announcements by major industrial companies have illustrated how clean and affordable electricity drives economic growth and increased investment in our communities.
These upgrades will benefit electrical customers in southwest Mississippi and Louisiana
$14 million project will benefit customers in southwest Mississippi and Louisiana
Entergy Corporation today announced Elizabeth S. Williams has been named vice president, commercial and industrial journey and products for the company. She will report to David Ellis, Entergy’s chief customer officer.
As Entergy’s first-ever chief customer officer, David Ellis will lead the company’s strategic efforts aimed at delivering extraordinary customer experiences while also bringing to market innovative solutions to keep pace with evolving customer needs and expectations.
The energy efficiency kits are available to restaurants, retailers and offices and include energy-saving products such as LED light bulbs, faucet aerators and LED exit signs.