Knowing the facts will help you reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable.
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Powering education does not stop at making sure the lights are on for teachers to produce bright pupils. We also are partnering with schools to help them find cost effective solutions to manage their energy use and expenses.
A smart thermostat can provide convenience, insight and control of your home’s comfort and energy use
Knowing many Arkansas students’ lives had been upended by the conversion to remote learning, the Entergy Arkansas’ Entergy Solutions team brainstormed how they could help.
For a limited time, we’re offering a 25% incentive bonus to business customers on new energy efficiency projects that complete this year. The incentive is available on a first-come, first-served basis until Dec. 31 or funds are exhausted.
This year, Entergy Mississippi had a bright idea: give away 70,000 energy-efficient light bulbs to customers who are struggling financially because of the pandemic. The bulbs will help lower their homes’ energy use and save them money on their power bills.
For many customers spending more time at home during the quarantine, Entergy’s spring tree giveaway produced a harvest of fun outdoor activities for the whole family to enjoy.
Electricity has become so ingrained in our daily lives, we hardly think about it – unless the power is out. Not only do we take for granted the convenience of working lights and appliances at home, but also that our office equipment, cell phones, and other wireless devices we rely on are energized and can be charged when we need them. When they are not, it can bring our normal lives to an abrupt halt.
El distanciamiento social de seis pies es solo una de las razones para mantener una distancia segura de las tripulaciones. Los sitios de trabajo pueden tener cualquier cantidad de peligros ocultos para el público, y las tripulaciones que distraen pueden causar accidentes.