Grand Gulf continues to power Mississippi homes and businesses with clean, affordable energy. We are proud of the 850 men and women who work tirelessly to make this possible.
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Entergy Nuclear headquarters team members announced its new Adopt-A-School partner, North Jackson Elementary School and presented a $10,000 grant to the school.
Engineers Week is Feb. 20 - 26 and is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.
Devon Price’s family contributed their 79-foot Norway spruce to be the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.
Entergy is proud to celebrate Nuclear Science Week and serve as a sponsor for the national event.
Chief Nuclear Officer Chris Bakken has been awarded the “Jack Kennedy Memorial Alumni Achievement” award from Grove City College in Pennsylvania.
Control room operators removed Arkansas Nuclear One’s Unit 2 from service over the weekend to begin the plant’s 28th scheduled refueling and maintenance outage following months of safe, secure and reliable operation.
This June marks 35 years of safe, reliable and clean operations at Entergy’s River Bend Station nuclear power plant. This milestone is possible due to employees, such as Kim Maxwell, dedicating their time and support to ensure the station successfully meets company goals and works with the communities Entergy serves.
Entergy Corporation has announced that Kent Scott, current general manager of plant operations at River Bend Station, has assumed the site vice president's role. Bonnie Bryant, general manager at Indian Point Energy Center, becomes the River Bend general manager, reporting to Scott.